What to Expect
Therapy can take many different forms. During our initial session I will take a history of any presenting problems. We will also discuss expectations you may hold about therapy.
My approach is client centered with my focus being on what is happening for you both in the realm of your life but also in the moment in the room.
With adolescents I may have a parent sit in on part of, or sometimes the whole first session, then will see the individual alone for future sessions.
It is also important to note that therapy is a process and one that can bring up many emotions including some that can be uncomfortable. Because of this it is common for people in the process of therapy to find themselves having resistance to coming to sessions from time to time. This is an important part of the therapy and one that is helpful to acknowledge and explore within sessions to further the work.
My approach is client centered with my focus being on what is happening for you both in the realm of your life but also in the moment in the room.
With adolescents I may have a parent sit in on part of, or sometimes the whole first session, then will see the individual alone for future sessions.
It is also important to note that therapy is a process and one that can bring up many emotions including some that can be uncomfortable. Because of this it is common for people in the process of therapy to find themselves having resistance to coming to sessions from time to time. This is an important part of the therapy and one that is helpful to acknowledge and explore within sessions to further the work.